Saturday 05 August

Yunta OPM

Event Time
5th & 6th August 2023

Yunta Rifle Club Centenary Shoot

Event date: 5-6 August 2023

The Yunta Rifle Club will celebrate its long and proud history in 2023 - 100 years since its establishment as a long range shooting Club at this year's Open Prize Meeting which will include the usual high standard of shooting competition - a high number of shooters and their families are expected.

There’ll be the usual great catering, a well-stocked bar, hot showers, hearty competition and off-range fun. The Club will offer excellent prize money, souvenirs for purchase and a memorable time for all.

The shooting program:
500 yards, 600 yds, 700 yds (all 10 shots)

2 x 800 yds (15 shots ea).

Please contact: email or phone Captain Warren Breeding (evenings) on 8650 5005.